This isn’t any old iPad dongle – it’s the BoltHub

You may have noticed a bit of a pro-Apple slant in our coverage as of late. Some of that is due to the hardware each of us most commonly uses in our daily life (and our day jobs), and some of it also has to do with the clever innovation going on. While non-Cupertino devices offer a lot of flexibility, I’d say Apple devices leave a lot of room for the aftermarket to come up with interesting solutions. One of those is the BoltHub.

For many road warriors, the dream is to be able to utilize something like a tablet as their primary computing device. Microsoft seemed to get most of the way there with the Surface laptops, but that’s not quite a tablet, is it? The iPad Pro, on the other hand, certainly has the horespower to get most folks through what they need to do (especially now that there’s mose support coming in iOS 13). The one tricky bit would be hooking up a bunch of peripherals.

Sure, you can get a dongle (or dongles) to hook in, but that doesn’t look nearly as slick. And let’s face it – if you’re getting an Apple device, the aesthetics of the device matter more than just a little bit to you. So when you can have something that sits in almost seamlessly (I don’t quite but the “invisible” claims here, but it’s not bad) and giving a whole host of capability, well, I can see why people would be interested.

While the BoltHub is appearing over on Indiegogo, they’ve already hit their initial campaign goals. They raised over $100k back in June, and now they’re using Indiegogo “InDemand” to find additional support for this clever device (Which will work on non-iOS devices as well – just needs to have a USB-C connector). Current Earlybird pricing starts at just $69 which seems like a bargain to me for the styling and capabilities being offered here. InDemand Campaign Page

Tech Specs

  • BoltHub fits perfectly and matches seamlessly to your iPad Pro that is almost invisible.
  • Securely attached
  • USB 3.1 (5Gb/s)
  • 4K HDMI
  • 3.5mm headphone
  • Micro/SD card readers
  • USB-C passthrough charge to iPad Pro @ 10W min

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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