If you’re anything like me you like to shirk, dilly-dally, and dawdle. But figures of authority like bosses, parents, and teachers are always asking you to focus! How better to thwart their vile ends than with a little box that hides your gaming as soon as they walk by.
This DIY project, called Daytripper, consists of a little sensor and a receiver. When someone walks by the sensor it sends a signal to your computer to hide all your windows or even shut down your computer. This means you can be browsing shopping sites and you’ll immediately be warned when someone who pays your bills walks by.

The kit is simple enough to build by hand but you can also purchase a ready-made kit on Tindie for $59. Some specs:
- Can detect motion within 120cm (4 ft).
- Has 5Hz scan rate, works best indoors.
- Works out-of-box with Windows, compatible with all major OSs.
- Has a 40-hour battery life, rechargeable via USB-C.
- Has a 100 meter (330 ft) communication range between TX and RX, open-air.
- Comes with a magnetic mounting kit.
Given the fact the Man is always trying to steal your time this might be the best solution for stealing it back.