I have been made aware of the fact that yes, I do in fact snore at night. Doesn’t seem to bother me at all, but the rest of my family, well, they’re not such big fans. So, I’ve been surveying what is out there in the market, and ran across the Smart Nora device.

There are all manner of devices out there – some focus on the nose, others take a look at holding your chin in place, and many others inbetween. The Smart Nora also focuses on the airway (much like the nasal passage expanders), but in a different manner.

Per Smart Nora, snoring happens because the muscles in our airways relax when we go to sleep (make sense, everything should be relaxed). This restricts the airway, which sets things up for the noisy snores. To get around this, you’ve got the Smart Nora pillow insert to the rescue (maybe; we’ve not tried it out ourselves).

Once the insert is in your pillow (yup, keep your favorite) and you’re ready to go to bed, you tap the small egg to let it know you’re sleeping. Once it detects the snoring, the insert will inflate (or deflate) to move your head, engaging those muscles in your airway which then opens things back up.

It’s an interesting solution, and the brand is quick to say that the $329 Smart Nora is not a medical-grade device and not intended to treat sleep apnea. Frequent travelers may not want to haul this around, but for those at home most of the time, this could be a good path to a silent nights sleep for you and your partner. Should you want to travel with it, the 3.8 WH battery should be under FAA restrictions, and it’s compatible from 110-240V. So, snores begone, wherever you are, I guess. smartnora.com