You can be “in the pink” with TritiGlow

Tritium is one of those materials that you may not be aware of, but once you realize that it exists, well, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it. I mean, sure, you can can do without it, but if you like glowy stuff, you should know about it. One color I’ve not seen before is pink, and now TritiGlow has that on offer.

For those not familiar, tritium is a radioactive compound (most commonly seen these days in gaseous form). That might sound worrying at first, but it’s actually fairly weak – the radioactivity that it emits can’t actually penetrate the glass it’s contained in. Sure, if you broken the vial and breathed it in, you might not have a good time, but otherwise it’s fairly safe. That’s why it’s used on things like watches and these pendants.

Now, as to the hue that TritiGlow is offering. Frankly, so long as you have a phosphorescing material, it could be any color. I imagine something like pink is trickier, or there’s just not the demand, so that’s why we’ve not see it before. People will tend towards the brighter greens and yellows, or go with the cooler blue hues (which is what I’ve got actually).

However, if your favorite color is pink, then this TritiGlow kickstarter has you covered. For the price of ?25 (~$32) you can get it in your choice of either classic or Steampunk finishing. Unlike their prior Kickstarters, the brand is not planning to offer this pink color in their online store – so if you want it, now’s the time to go. You can see all the details of the campaign, and get your pledge in, right here: campaign page

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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