To be perfectly frank, so can your doctor. Over the last year, we’ve been seeing more devices that move from just simply tracking your heart rate (like most fitness trackers and many smart watches) to having a device that can actually provide medical diagnostics. The Apple Watch was one of the first, and now the WearLinq eWave is aiming to be the most recent.

The WearLinq eWave is, quite simply, a wearable device that will give you the output of an ECG, at medically acceptable measurement. Well, that is, once they have FDA approval. Might as well get that out of the way upfront – as of right now, while they’ve applied for the approval, the FDA hasn’t granted it yet, so for now, it’s just something for your own personal use, basically.

Once they have the approval, though, watch out! When you stick on the WearLinq eWave (the puck is the same, but you have a different stretchable stickered circuit to put on) you can track what’s going on with your heart. For the average person, that’s probably not of interest, but if you are having some cardiac concerns, it’s an alternative to some of the bulkier (think Star Trek TOS tricorder sized) stuff the doctor may want you to carry.

Of course, the stick-on puck is only one part of the WearLinq eWave. The second part is the app you put on your phone, which captures all of the data, and then facilitates that data being moved on over to your doctor for review (presumably all HIPAA concerns are addressed), and through which you can also do the virtual doctor visit.

With any sort of portable device, battery life is going to be a concern. The WearLinq eWave offers up to a 3-day battery life, with a 1.5 hour charge time – and a charging battery case (like you have for wireless earbuds) that gives you up to another 12 days, so you’re clear to travel.

The WearLinq eWave is up on Indiegogo, and is just about funded with 19 days left to go in the campaign. If this sounds like something interesting for your own personal situation – and your doctor is on board – you can back the WearLinq eWave for $179 with shipping anticipated for May 2021. project page