Withings Body Smart scale: Introducing

If you’re wearing a smart watch – fitness-oriented or not – you’re already quantifying your health. If you’re working to get to a healthier state, those metrics can be super helpful. One piece you’ll still need to collect is at least your weight. While Withings has had smart scales that can help with that collection, they just introduced a new, more affordable, option into their range. Meet the Withings Body Smart scale.

Withings Body Smart scale: Complete Picture

Along with recording your weight, the Withings Body Smart scale can capture things like your body composition (muscle, fat, water weight, visceral fat) to get a complete picture of what’s going on. It can also do some things that I’ve not seen in scales yet. One, it can record your heart rate as you’re standing there (another piece of your health picture). Secondly – and perhaps more interestingly – it can record your basal metabolic rate. With this, it can calculate how many calories you’re burning when at rest. This piece of information can fit into your overall diet and exercise plan, helping hit those goals.


The scale was just released today, and comes in at a very affordable $99.95, much more affordable than the other scales in their range (the comparison is down below). You can get these now, with some features coming in May via a firmware update. For us, we’re in talks with Withings to see about getting some of their items in for a review across their ecosystem. withings.com

Withings Scale comparison

Withings Body Smart scale

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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One thought on “Withings Body Smart scale: Introducing

  1. Agreed with the ideas presented in this post.
    Great article! The Withings Body Smart scale seems like a useful tool for anyone looking to track their health and fitness goals at an affordable price. The ability to track body composition, heart rate, and basal metabolic rate is impressive.
    Have a great day


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