Tile Attempts to Curb Device-assisted Stalking

Shortly following Apple’s attempts to press down on misuse of their AirTag products, Tile, the portable tracker producer, has announced plans to crack down on similar issues.

The company wants to avoid their devices being used by bad actors attempting to track others without their consent. In doing so, they have released a new feature on the Tile app, in which the user can scan for nearby tile-based trackers. However, this attempt is still lackluster at best.

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While the scan will allow people who suspect that they are victims of stalking to check for nearby trackers, the everyday person will be less than likely to subject themselves to it. This is due to the fact that one scan requires ten uninterrupted minutes to conclude and has to be enabled manually. While a good start, Tile will need to up their game if they want to put an end to the misuse of their products.

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