Using accelerometers to detect if you’re drunk – stop drinking so much, Kevin

We all know that the Apple Watch has a fall sensor. If you fall, it will play an alarm that you have to cancel – if it counts down to zero and you haven’t canceled it, it phones your emergency contact.

What if you could use similar sensors to tell you that you’re drunk?

Emergency medicine researchers studied how your smartphone’s accelerometer can predict intoxication based on how you walk. In a sample of 17 participants, the researchers were able to predict intoxication with?92 percent accuracy.

The study was published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. Researchers from Stanford and University of Pittsburgh say that the work goes together with previous research, that worked on identifying gait as a sign of intoxication.

Previous research focused on measuring intoxication with the number of drinks consumed. This research focuses on the relationship between BAC content and gait.

Stop drinking so much

In related news, the FDA updated how much men should drink per day.

Previously, the CDC said,

To reduce the risk of alcohol-related harms, the 2015-2020?U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans?recommends that if alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation?up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men?and only by adults of legal drinking age.?

But the updated guidance is now, men should drink one drink a day.

The USDA updates the guidance every 5 years. This is a change from the current recommendation that says men can take up to two drinks a day, while women can take up to one drink a day.

Men tend to drink more than women across all age groups. The WHO and the US government identify alcohol as a human carcinogen. It is causally associated with seven types of cancer, including breast and colorectal cancer. The?cancer?types associated with alcohol are more common in men than women.

In another study, but geez, more related news, ?findings?? now published in the journal?Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research?show that drinking any amount is risky.

?It used to seem like having one or two drinks per day was no big deal, and there even have been some studies suggesting it can improve health,? says first author Dr. Sarah M. Hartz.

?But now we know that even the lightest daily drinkers have an increased mortality risk,? she cautions.

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