Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic: Recently Released

While I tend to just focus on whatever mic is built into the headset I’m using at the time, there are definitely scenarios where a stand-alone mic – particularly a wireless one – is something you’ll be looking for, whether for recording interviews on a show floor, or even just recording a presentation. One of the most tech-forward ones I’ve seen as of late is the new Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic.

Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic: Specs

While audio equipment can tend towards the analog – or at least the appearance of analog inputs – there’s a case to be made for touch screens. That’s what the Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic has gone with, relying on a small puck that can show stats and settings, and even custom wallpapers (helpful for promoting your channel as you record an interview, say). They also have an interesting mix of functions and features built in as well:

  • Touch screens on both the transmitter and the receiver
  • The receiver doubles as a charging dock
  • On-board recording (up to 8GB)
  • Noise reduction available
  • Can output to two different devices (USB-C plus 3.5mm line out jack) allowing you to easily broadcast and record to separate hardware; also has a headphone jack to allow voice chat
Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic

Battery Life and Price

Along with all of that, they’ve built in some serious battery life (9 hours for the transmitters, and 24 hours for the receiver) and the receiver can also charge the transmitters (up to two at once). This is all done via magnetic connections, which is also how you can adapt the receiver (say, with a lapel clip or hard mount). The initial setup looks to be $249, and you can get more details at

Saramonic BlinkMe Wireless Mic

Click to watch the video version of this post here!

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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