Recently Released: Finch Knife Travel Pouches

We here at Knapsack are fans of sharp things. Pocket knives are a great tool in many every situations, and as with many things, you can get down a rabbit hole of collecting. One of the newer brands I’ve picked up knives from is Finch (you can see our Runtly and Cimmaron reviews). Fittingly, as Finch grew out of a watch company (Raven), I’ve now started collecting some knives like I do watches. How to keep them organized? Well, a zippered pouch isn’t a bad idea, and that’s what Finch introduced recently.

To be fair, it’s called the Finch Knife Travel Pouches, and you could certainly use these for traveling, even if it’s just out to a campsite. Myself, I see this as a way to get things organized a bit in the drawer where I keep my knives, as well as a way to give them a little protection from getting banged around. Sure, they’re tools, but no harm in keeping them looking nice, right?

As far as materials go, the exterior of the Finch Knife Travel Pouches is ripstop nylon with a zipper going all the way around so you can open things up and lay the pouch flat. Internally you’ve got more ripstop making the pockets; inside of those you’ve got a bit of soft fuzziness to give them a little protection. Simple, clean, and it gets the job done – just like a good knife. They’re available in red, blue, or green for $22 directly from finchknifeco.com

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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