Dato is a deceptively simple menu bar app for macOS. It looks just like the default clock from Apple, but it comes to life when you click on it. It displays events from your calendar, a calendar, and time zones. It’s like superpowers for your Mac menu bar.
In the old days, I’d use Dashboard widgets to display multiple timezones. And then, when Dashboard was doomed, I moved over to EveryTimeZone.com. There are a lot of ways to display timezones on the Mac, as a search on the App Store shows.

None of those are exactly perfect: some do the scrolling behavior of EveryTimeZone.com in Today / Notifications of macOS, some try and shoehorn multiple timezones into the menu bar itself, and others try and put an analog clock between the city and the digital time, making it mildly harder to match city with time. This is where Dato nails it.

Dato in the menu bar looks exactly like Apple’s clock: Day, Time, AM/PM. When clicked on, it shows a month calendar, calendar events, and the time zones in order of chronology. Of course, if you already have a calendar menu bar application, you can disable the calendar view and just focus on events and time zones.

If it just stopped there, that would be good enough. But there are a ton of keyboard shortcuts as well. This makes navigating days, weeks or months really easy. It adopts dark mode, too, if you’re into that sort of thing.
What’s really cool is turning off Apple’s clock in System Preferences > Time and Date, and then Command-Click-Dragging Dato into the same place in the menu bar as Apple’s was. It looks the same, but is so much more useful when clicked on. Dato is available from the Mac App Store for $1.99.