Now funding: Coral UV 2

If there’s one thing that’s come out of this year-long worldwide pandemic (aside from everyone learning how to properly wash their hands), I’d say it’s an awareness of bacteria and germs in our environments, and how we should be doing our best to limit exposure. Fold in that our phones are usually much dirtier than a toilet seat, being able to sanitize them (and other things) makes a lot of sense. That’s where the Coral UV Studio comes in.

Now, you’ve no doubt seen UV sanitizers that are specifically for cell phones (and are sized to fit a phone, and not much else). The Coral UV 2 gives you a much more flexible set of use cases, as it’s a good bit larger (check out the image below). In terms of what you can fit in there, it’s large enough to have an 11″ iPad in there (laying flat), and tall enough that you could have bottles in there. In other words, you should be able to fit a wide variety of things in there.

Aside from sizing, another thing that the Coral UV 2 has going for are the cycles you can set. You can of course set a sanitize cycle (and set the length you want it to run for), but you also have the choice to run a drying cycle along with the sanitize. Say, for instance, you’ve just cleaned out your water bottle or a baby bottle, maybe it’s a bit damp – which bacteria can breed in. So, with this, you can have the Coral dry things out, and then run the UV sanitizer cycle. Something that would have been quite handy back when baby bottles were a thing in this house, for sure.

Given the sizing of the Coral UV 2, you could run all sorts of stuff through there – kids stuffed animals, makeup brushes, and of course phones and tablets. Or, for reviewers like us, this could be handy for putting loaners through a sanitize cycle both when a sample comes in, and before it heads back out, just to help ensure the safety of those handling the review unit.

Speaking of review units – though the Coral UV 2 just launched on Kickstarter today, we do have a sample in that we’re working up a review on at the moment. So, if you have any questions, just drop us a line and we’ll address what we can in the review. For now, earlybird pricing starts at $119, and all of the additional details can be found over at the campaign page.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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