Lighten your load with the Smallet

If you recall, earlier this month, we told you about a new crowdfunded “wallet” going by the name of Smallet (you can check that out here). Well, I’ve been spending the past few weeks with one, and can tell you how it works in practice.

Right off the bat, you know it was being compared to my trusty Ridge wallet (reviewed here). You’ll notice the ridge is scuffed and scraped, but that’s the life of something that has lived in my pocket for two years now. Functionally, it’s just fine. So, that’s one area you might be worried about with the Smallet – long term longevity – and that I can’t answer. It is a stretchy bit of fabric, though, so it won’t necessarily be as durable as the titanium, but that’s probably ok here.

Why is that? Well, the Smallet – aside from being only $14 (at earlybird pricing) – is aimed at a different use, I feel. The first thing to note is that the Smallet is significantly lighter than any other wallet I’ve carried. And if you’re only carrying a few cards with you (in general, or on an evening out) then you’ve got a lightweight, unobtrusive way to keep your cards and cash together (and a house key if you like).

Or, say, if you’re going out for a bike ride and don’t want to carry everything with you – again, the Smallet fits that use case. While I had mine with my normal full load of various ID cards and such, it was a simple matter to slip out the bulkier chunk and be left with just a credit card and drivers license, and you’re off to the races.

In super-slim mode

I will say, with how light the Smallet is, I was checking to make sure it hadn’t fallen out of my pocket. Then again, that could be just me. If you’re looking for the lightest way to organize your cards – and want something that looks better than a few rubberbands – then the Smallet is for you. The campaign is still running, closing out on August 5th. That said, it’s sitting at only 38% funded, so it’s a little uncertain if this one will come to fruition. Check it all out, and get your pledge in if you’re so inclined over at the campaign page

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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