In Review: Geomag Glow (and a giveaway!)

In our house, building toys are very popular. Be it Lego or Magnatiles, the kids like building with them. As of late, the magnetic toys from Geomag have been getting play, including their very experiment-driven kits. While those were fun, they love their glowing stuff (just like I do), so when the Geomag Glow kit came in, they ran off to their rooms to play with them as soon as they could.

For the 60-piece kit, Geomag Glow gives you three boxes of the magnetic sticks (which is the glowing bit) and the steel ball bearings that act as the connectors. The other thing they’ve included are building bases. These aren’t necessary, but I think they provide a very sturdy base that’s less likely to give out as you build up. Definitely a very nice addition to the kit, and perfect for someone who’s starting out with Geomag for the very first time.

Past that, of course, the Geomag Glow interacts with any other Geomag kits you may have, so you can mix and match to your hearts content. You can see that in some of the photos here, as the kids just were building whatever they wanted to. When it’s time to clean up, that’s where Geomag really shines. Aside from the plastic panels (or the bases), it’s just popping the sticks and bearings back into the boxes, and you’re done. A small zip-top bag will handle the plastic panels, and the cases fit in there as well. In other words, nice and compact once building time is done.

You can pick up the Geomag glow in three different sizes from Maisonette. The 25-piece is $24.99, the 42-piece is $39.99, and the 60-piece (which we reviewed here) for $54.99. Want to win a 42-piece set from Geomag and us? Then you’re in luck – just follow these two steps:

  1. Leave us a comment below letting us know what your (or your kids’) favorite building toy is
  2. Head over to the giveaway widget (hosted on sister site WWR) and complete your entry

Do those, and you’re good to go. Entries limited to North America, just to control our shipping costs. In the meantime, you can check out the full line over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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