EBL Rechargeable batteries: In review

EBL Rechargeable batteries: Today, we’re used to so many of our devices and gadgets coming with built-in batteries that we recharge as needed. This can result in interesting packaging, but it’s hard to deny the flexibility of a user-replaceable battery, particularly in standard sizes. Also, if you’ve got kids, their toys invariably use (and chew up) batteries, so rechargeables are almost a necessity. While I’ve always gone for well-known Eneloops, there are a number of options out there. Ones that I’ve been spending time with came from EBL.

What are they?

To be perfectly clear – these are your very-familiar Ni-MH rechargeable batteries. We tested out the version of their kit that came with the 8-bay charger, 4 AA batteries, and 4 AAA batteries. This is a good mix, and is probably what we’d call a starter kit. What’s going to be different here from other chargers is that it comes with a micro-USB cable, and you just need a power brick that can push 5V at 2A, and you’re good to go. No weird wall plug to keep track of, or anything hard-wired into the charging block.

EBL Rechargeable batteries: How is the charging?

With the EBL Rechargeable batteries, charging was a snap. I just plugged the cable into a power brick, popped the batteries in, and watched the indicators. When they’re not at full charge, the individual LEDs are in red; once they’re fully topped off, the light flips to green. Another great thing here is that you do not have to charge in pairs. You can plug in the number you’re charging up (for instance, I’ve got LED puck lights that use 3 AAAs at a time) and it adjusts for that automatically.

How do the EBL Rechargeable batteries perform?

Just as well as you would hope and expect. We didn’t encounter any weird heat or fade issues in our time using the batteries, and they seemed to last for longer than we expected, in the items we put the batteries into. That is, undoubtedly, due to the extended capacity of these batteries. The AA batteries come in at 2800 mAh, while the AAA batteries – being slimmer – are 1100 mAh. This means that for both sizes, you’ve got more rated capacity than the usual suspects offer. Longer-life is always a good thing; time will tell how they are over the long term with more charge cycles under their belts.

Who are the EBL batteries for?

Frankly, batteries like these from EBL are for everyone. Even if you don’t think you have a need, you’re invariably going to need batteries in your flashlight or remote control, or any other number of uses. These also should have a decent shelf life, retaining up to 80% of their charge even 3 years later of sitting on the shelf. Want to pick them up? The mixed 8-pack (4 AA and 4AAA) that we reviewed here is a little over $21, with an 8 AA option a few bucks more. Where to get it? Over at Amazon, of course! eblofficial.com

EBL Rechargeable batteries

Watch the video review of EBL Rechargeable batteries here:

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Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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