In Review: DraftTop Lift

It’s Friday, and that means you might be thinking about some tasty beverages for the weekend. Whether those are fizzy water, canned cocktails, or good ol’ barley pop, the DraftTop Lift will give you a whole new way to enjoy your beverage.

Now, you may be familiar with DraftTop from their ads, showing people chopping the top off of their cans, and enjoying the benefits of drinking from a glass (smoother flow, you can smell what you’re drinking) without having to, you know, have a glass along. Those first ones got the job done, but just dropped the cut top down into the can. Not the end of the world, but not everyone is going to want that metal with it’s sharp edges sitting at the bottom of the can.

Enter the DraftTop Lift. Since cans are aluminum, you can’t rely on magnets to grab the cut top. So, what do you do? You put an opening in there so, as you turn the DraftTop (or can, depending on how you look at it) the pull tab is caught on that opening, and then you’re able to easily lift the top. Then, once it’s off, you can just push on the tab through that opening on the top, dropping the top into the recycle bin without needing to get near the sharp edges.

Now, a note on those sharp edges. In working with the DraftTop Lift, I did not encounter any sharp edges on the can. If you try to pull the top off too early (or didn’t cut it completely) then there can be a small burr (but that’s no different than rushing to open a can of beans). Which makes sense, because if you look on the underside of the DraftTop Lift, you’ll see the small cutting disc, just like a regular can opener would have. The cut off top, that, of course, can be a bit sharp, so I’d avoid messing with that.

Once the top is off, all’s that’s left is to rinse the DraftTop Lift, and enjoy your beverage. We tested this out on plain old carbonated water cans, beer, and even some of the smaller fizzy drinks that the kids like. Those I was curious about, as they’re narrower than a standard can. Still, managed to cut them off just fine. I will say, it takes some getting used to, particularly in not squeezing the can too hard when you hold it at the base, otherwise you’ll have your beverage spilling out as you’re opening it.

So, why would you want to use something like the DraftTop Lift? Well, the big thing here is to allow you to get the full aroma of the drink (provided you’re drinking from the can). And there’s something to it, because a few summers back my local micro-brewery had pull-tabs that took the whole top off. If you’re wanting to pour into a glass, then you’ve got a much smoother pour action. And finally, well, it’s just kind of cool, something that’ll have your friends at the campfire asking what in the world you’re doing to that can.

If you want to pick up the DraftTop Lift, you can get a single for $32.99, or a two-pack for $59.99; if you want to customize yours further, they’ve even got different color covers you can swap in. Like it is, I think it’ll make a great addition to your kitchen and/or camping gear box (and in that case, a custom paracord lanyard sounds in order). Check out all the offerings over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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