Afternoon Beer Break: 4 Hands Contact High Juiced

Ah, yes. Friends, we?ve made it to the end of the work week. Don?t know about you, but there have definitely been some highs and lows in the week, so yeah, we?ve earned this one. This one what? Why, an afternoon beer break, of course. Today, we?re going to tell you about the 4 Hands Contact High Juiced.

Now, if you?ve been following this series, either here or over at its former home at WWR, you might think that I?m trying to double-dip and re-review the same beer on two sites. We don?t recycle content like that, though, and this is a different beer. What I reviewed over at WWR was the ?plain? 4 Hands Contact High. With the juiced variety you get, well, some citrus zest and juice added into the recipe (specifically, tangerine, mandarine, and orange).

This is a set of flavors that I?d more traditionally associate with an IPA (via citra hops, most often). And in fact, there?s a good dose of hops in the 4 Hands Contact High Juiced as well, but this is a wheat beer (in terms of style), not an IPA. That means you get some of that yeasty/bready nose as you would with a wheat, but then also have some of that more traditionally IPA flavor profile coming into the mix. While citrus can be very forward in an IPA, in this wheat beer, I found it a bit more subdued.

If I were forced to choose between the two varieties of 4 Hands Contact High, I don?t know that I could say one is better than the other. They?re both unique in their own way, and it?s interesting to see a brewery experiment with some variety within a specific lineup. When they do that, you sort of know what to expect, but then get hit with a twist. If you?re thinking you?d like to try the 4 Hands Contact High Juiced, you?ll want to search it out soon. It?s a seasonal beer, and its season ends in September.

I think folks who tends towards wheated beers, and those who lean more towards IPAs, can find some happy common ground here with the 4 Hands Contact High Juiced. It?s definitely got feet in both camp, with much less bitterness than an IPA would have. Think of it as a bridge between camps, if you will. It?s worth a try if you find yourself looking for something a little different to try. If your local markets are like me, you should be able to find a 6-pack of cans for just under $10 near you.

Tasting Notes

  • Slightly more orange hue (as compared to the non-Juiced variety)
  • Hazy
  • Citrus nose
  • Citrus up front, slight sour tingle at end on top of tongue
  • Normally have citrus in an ipa. With a wheat beer it?s toned down a bit
  • Crisp

Beer Details

  • Style: American Pale Wheat Ale
  • ABV: 5.5%
  • Seasonal: Available April – September

Description from 4 Hands

Juiced is the newest addition to the Contact High lineup. Brewed with a huge dose of tangerine juice and zest, this hoppy wheat beer has a big, citrusy aroma and a crisp hop finish. Juiced pours a hazy golden in color with a firm white head.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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