OneIsAll Cat Feeder and Water Fountain: in review

That’s right, all you feline fans, we’ve got a double review for you today. Recently, we’ve added two cats to our household, with them being indoor/outdoor cats to help deal with critters around the property. We like how independent cats can be, and with the OneIsAll Cat Feeder and Water Fountain that we got in, it really helps keep them pretty low-maintenance.

  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder

The OneIsAll Cat Feeder

Of the two items that we got in, the OneIsAll Cat Feeder is the one that we were the most interested in. Being able to set up a reservoir of food, and then have the device serve up the food in specific amounts at set times seemed great to us. No worries about setting the food out and hoping it lasts for the day, or needing to get back home to get more food out. While they do have a less-expensive model that just has the schedule set on the device, the one we got in comes with WiFi capability (about a $20 upcharge).

When you first get the OneIsAll Cat Feeder, you’ve got a little bit of assembly to do. That all said, it was pretty straight forward to assemble after washing and drying all of the various plastic and metal bits. While the food reservoir and outer food trays are plastic, the legs that hold the reservoir up are metal. Additionally, the removable food tray inserts are also metal. This should help ensure longevity, and also makes it easy to clean up when needed.

Once it was assembled, it was time to get it onto the WiFi, and then get things setup in the app (the same one that we used from the Outon Smart Lamp review). Once that was done, it was time to get it out to the garage. That was one thing I was curious about – would the wifi range stretch from the garage to where the router was? In a word, yes, it worked out well. It’s doing the feedings just fine, and maintaining the schedule that was set (the internet connection is also how it knows the date and time).

There might be a little bit of fine-tuning we need to do with how much food the OneIsAll Cat Feeder is dispensing, but overall, it’s been doing a great job. If there’s extra left at the end of the day (we have it dispensing food in the morning and the evening), we just put it back into the reservoir to discourage any other critters from coming in for a snack. As an added bonus, when the feeder dispenses the food, it makes a distinct noise from the dry food hitting the metal bowls. So, once the cats hear that, they know breakfast (or dinner) has been served.

  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder
  • OneIsAll Cat Feeder

The OneIsAll Water Fountain

While they do make a smaller cat-specific water fountain, we had the 7L OneIsAll Water Fountain come in for the review. This is basically a large, flat-bottomed bowl that you fill, that the top settles over. You have the fountain spout coming up and out, and filling the shallow tray. This then goes through a two-filter setup that drops it back into the reservoir. In that reservoir, you’ve got a small pump (that also has it’s own filter) that keeps the water cycling through.

When the water level is at the appropriate level, there’s a white LED that shines up through the base of the fountain spout. When things get to a lower level, it changes to a red light, letting you know it’s time to fill things up. Should the water run completely out, then the pump shuts itself off, so it doesn’t burn itself out.

The cats have liked using the OneIsAll Water Fountain, and we’ve found a few benefits. One, with it constantly cycling the water, it actually kept it cooler than you might expect for a bowl of water, particularly in the hot days we’ve had lately. Secondly, with the filtration, it helps keep any cruft from clogging things up, or getting stuck in the pump. The cats haven’t gotten a lot in there, but we’ve had some small bits to clean out. The filter packs are easy to swap out, and fairly inexpensive to get as well.

  • OneIsAll Water Fountain
  • OneIsAll Water Fountain

Wrapping things up

Frankly, we’ve been pretty pleased with how the OneIsAll Water Cat Feeder and Fountain have worked for our setup, and the cats both seem to like them as well. The clean moving water is great, and having that automated feeder really is quite great for letting the cats be truly independent. It’s also solid that you can double check in the app to see when the feedings were, as well as getting alerts when the food level is low. The OneIsAll Water Cat Feeder is $84.99 (OneIsAll / Amazon), while the Water Fountain is $49.99 (OneIsAll / Amazon). Again, we’ve been pretty pleased with how these have worked out, and we’ll see how they’ll do once temperatures start dropping. If you have any other cat gadget suggestions, feel free to drop us a line. OneIsAll has plenty of other pet products, and you can check out the full range at

  • OneIsAll Water Fountain
  • OneIsAll Water Fountain

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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