In the world of cartridge razors (which I’ve not really paid attention to after going to the old-school DE razors), there was at one point an arms race in how many blades could be fit into a cartridge. Then, they started figuring out how to make things pivot and vibrate. On the other hand, if you just want to use a standard cartridge, but have something a bit more upscale, that’s where the Titaner Razor comes in.

Now, it’s worth noting – the Titaner Razor is really just the handle. For the cartridges, they’re relying on the Gillette 5 cartridges, which is one of the weak points of this project in my mind. I mean, the titanium handle should last basically forever, but you’re gambling that Gillette is going to keep making these cartridges, with the same attachment method, for the rest of your natural life. On the other hand, if you go to a DE razor, many, many companies make those blades and they’re universal across handles.

If you’re willing to roll those dice, though, this over-engineered handle should last you – as we mentioned – for forever. The pivot section may be the weak point, but it appears that you could service this section, and hopefully repair or rebuild it over time.

That all said – there’s just a few too many red flags for me (thinking about it’s longevity and cartridge availabilty) for me to consider this, even recommend it. Think of this as the sort of critical eye you need to cast upon these campaigns that seem interesting, at least at first.

However, I can’t stop you if you really feel that this is the one for you. The campaign for this titanium razor handle is fully funded, and closes out on October 23, 2021. Even so, with the limited time left, there are still earlybird price slots available, at a mildly eye-watering $237. Check it all out over at the campaign page