Now Funding: MuteMe

A great number of us – and likely you, if you’re reading this site – have found themselves on a LOT more remote conference calls this year than we ever thought we would be. And, at least once a day, there’s someone who’s not aware of being muted (or unmuted) when they should be. Enter MuteMe.

Frankly, the MuteMe is a deceptively simple device. It gives you a small puck that lights up around the edges, and has a capacitive button on the top. It gives you a very visible notice of whether or not your mic is muted. This is handy, and also helps anyone who might be walking up to your temporary workstation as well to see what’s going on.

For those who have color-blindness, you’re covered with the MuteMe as well. It actually has full RGB compatibility, so you can set the colors as you need them. Reading through the campaign page, this should be an easy plug-and-play setup for any computer.

Coming in at $29, the MuteMe is right on the edge of what I’d consider picking up. I’m not disputing that they know what it took to bring it to fruition. I just know I’ve survived without it, and and with delivery not anticipated until April 2021, we may well be out of our teleconferencing nightmare by then (or shortly thereafter). You can check out all the details at the campaign page, which closes out on January 12, 2021. campaign page

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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