Narwal S10 Pro: simplify your wet/dry cleanup tasks

You may be familiar with Narwal for their robotic vacuums. Sometimes, though, you just want to direct the tasks yourselves, or you really want to get the spots yourself. That doesn’t mean that the device can’t have some intelligence built in, though. The Narwal S10 Pro looks to make all of your wet/dry cleanup tasks simpler – even cleaning the device itself.

  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro

Narwal S10 Pro: what it is

While the Narwal S10 Pro looks like your standard, modern upright vacuum, it’s more than that: it’s a vacuum mop. That means it’s a device that is well-positioned for folks who have a lot of hard surfaces throughout their home. Think tile, hardwood, vinyl, and things of that nature. Given the type of roller that it has built-in, this does not look like something you’d want running over your carpeting. And really, water doesn’t have a place on those anyways, unless there’s a spot treatment you’re doing.

  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro

The features

You can see the details in the specs below, but the Narwal S10 Pro offers both a healthy dose of suction, as well as downward pressure to ensure that you were getting at all of that stuff on the floor. Aside from the basic physics of the machine (and things like it being able to lay flat to go under furniture), there are some interesting tech twists as well.

As you’re mopping, the Narwal S10 Pro can detect how dirty the floor is (or isn’t). It’ll read that out on the display at the top of the handle, and also adjust how much water it’s dispensing and how much suction it’s using to get that stuff picked up. Once all of the work is done, the smarts aren’t. When you put it back on the charging base, you can have it enter a self-cleaning mode that cleans out the pipes, roller brush, and filter. Once everything is clean, it then dries itself, so you don’t have a damp mop hanging in the closet.

  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro

Wrapping things up

The Narwal S10 Pro has a lot on offer, and can run for up to 50 minutes on a charge, which should be more than enough to do your normal daily cleanups. As the mop just launched a few days ago, there is a discount available. While the price tag is $429.99, you can net $30 off for a bit. That coupon code is directly on the Narwal purchase page, and should also appear on Amazon as well. We’re talking with Narwal about getting one in to test, so be on the lookout for that review.

Narwal S10 Pro Tech Specs

  • Narwal S10 Pro
  • Narwal S10 Pro

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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