Naisu N1 Clear Ice Maker: now available

Naisu N1

At first, giant spheres of ice in a drink seemed like a gimmick to me. Then I tried them out at a friends house, and I’ve been making some in my home freezer with this kit. And you know what? It’s not just a gimmick. Clear spheres of ice are more than just aesthetically pleasing – they can chill your drink without watering it down. With the Naisu N1 Clear Ice Maker, you can get them with a lack of air bubbles.

Naisu N1: how it works

The Naisu N1 Clear Ice Maker starts out like many ice molds we’re familiar with. You’ve got a silicone mold that you pour your water in, and then that will be frozen. That’s where things start to separate, though. This mold is one that you’re intended to overfill. You fill the spherical chamber, and then there’s another chamber below it.

The whole mold is placed into a stainless steel tumbler (more on that in a moment), the water fills the base, and then the sphere. What this means is that, as the water freezes, the mold will be pushed up in the tumbler, making it easier to remove. You then also get a secondary block of ice, while ensuring the sphere is full.

Now, why that tumbler? According to Naisu, it’s to control how the freezing happens in the mold, helping to eliminate the air bubbles that we commonly see. Along with looking good, this should help that ice stay frozen as long as possible.

Naisu N1

How to get yours

The Naisu N1 Clear Ice Maker is up on Indiegogo right now, having already funded on another platform. You can order a single for $44, and a twin-pack for $84, with shipping anticipated for this August. Check it out over at Indiegogo, or

Naisu N1

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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