Keep track – and keep in touch – with SPOT

If someone asked you about some sort of a tracker, you’re probably going to think of something like an Apple AirTag, right? Well, those are not the only option that you have out there, and the crew over at SPOT have a few different options that help you keep an eye on things, or even stay in communication when you’re out of cell range.

First up, you’ve got the SPOT Trace, which is going to be like that aforementioned AirTag, except here, it’s relying on a satellite connection (which means you’ve got an additional $9.95 or $12.50 per month charge you’ll be paying to keep things online). What does the SPOT Trace give you? Well, it can notify you when the thing it’s attached to (say, a vehicle) is moved, where it currently is, and the like. You’ll also get alerts for a low battery, or if the device is powered off. Frankly, if you’ve got something you want to keep an eye on – perhaps a vehicle at a vacation site, or the like, it seems quite robust. This one runs $129.99.

Next up, we’ve got the SPOT Gen4, which is a satellite-enabled messenger. While this offers satellite tracking, the device is more than that. You’ve got a “Check In” button that can send your location and a pre-configured text (“Hey, things are going great!”) to set of contacts – even when you’re deep in the woods. You can also – with a single button press – send out an SOS message in an emergency, sending your coordinates to emergency services. This does require a service plan (starting at $11.95 / month), along with the hardware price of $149.99.

Finally, we have the Spot X, which brings two-way satellite communication to the table. Sure, you’ve got satellite tracking and location, and the ability to get your location to emergency services. What the Spot X adds in – aside from the QWERTY keyboard – is a bluetooth connection. With that, you hook it to your phone, and you’re able to get at all of your contacts. If needed, it can also function as a stand-alone communicator, as it’s got a phone number (plans start at $11.95/month). If you think of the Gen4 as a great “letting people know how I am”, this Spot X elevates it to something that allows you to stay in touch – with whatever you want to say – even when your cell phone has no signal. If you want to add this to your knapsack, it’ll be $249.99.

All in all, it’s quite the family of devices that many would find helpful, particularly if you’re venturing out into areas where cell coverage isn’t the greatest (and it’s much easier to run into those than you’d think). You can check out the full range over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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