If you?re on the hunt for a new pair of wireless earbuds, you certainly are not spoiled for choice, in a variety of styles and price points. The same could be said for bluetooth speakers – a lot of choice. Somehow, no one has thought of combining those two things (that I?ve seen) until Vissiles came along, with their new device launching in October.

So, what is this new Vissiles gadget? To start with, it?s a pair of wireless earbuds (with passive noise cancellation, not active like the just-announced Amazon set) that offers clear audio and all the like. They even have their own charging case, as you might expect. And that case is where things get a little different.

You see, the charging case for this new pair of Vissiles earbuds also doubles as a bluetooth speaker. So, if you?ve got just the track you need to share, you can (presumably) pop those earbuds out and switch from introvert to extrovert.

At this point in time, specific details on the Vissiles device are a little bit light (like, can you use both the earbuds and the speaker at the same time? And how do they sound?), but the launch is coming up, so there should be more details on the way. We?re also queued up to get a review sample in, so we?ll be able to let you know how this all works in the real world. If you want to keep notified of when things launch, just head on over to their website and sign up to be notified. vissles.com

Features from Vissles
- Easily switch from using the earbuds to using the speaker
- Light and compact body, 95g in weight, up to 4 hours playtime
- Adopt a 3W speaker to deliver loud sound and deep bass