Introducing: The Freewrite Alpha

Writing is hard. I’ve been doing it for twenty-two years and I’ve tried almost every type of “writing tool” on the market, from distraction-free software to hardware like the original Freewrite. One of the best products I’ve found for truly distraction-free writing has been the AlphaSmart, a battery-powered word processor first launched in 1993. Basically, it was a keyboard with a little e-ink screen that could store documents in local memory. Using one these days is an adventure in frustration, which is why I’m pleased to see Freewrite has decided to launch the Alpha, an Alphasmart clone for the 21st century.

The product will be crowdfunding soon but it features the company’s superior keyboard tech and a little e-ink screen. A 100-hour battery ensures you’ll have power when the muse strikes.

From the launch page:

We designed Alpha to nurture focused daily writing.

Free from distracting apps, notifications, and browsers, Alpha builds one habit: writing.

Our users report more focused writing sessions and drastically increased word counts.

If you’re into writing, this is going to be a godsend. I’m definitely looking forward to the launch.

John Biggs

John Biggs is an entrepreneur, consultant, writer, and maker. He spent fifteen years as an editor for Gizmodo, CrunchGear, and TechCrunch and has a deep background in hardware startups, 3D printing, and blockchain. His work has appeared in Men’s Health, Wired, and the New York Times.

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2 thoughts on “Introducing: The Freewrite Alpha

  1. Not as good as my Alphasmart Dana, IMHO. Smaller screen size, not illuminated screen, and requires a subscription to get the sync. Am I worng?

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