Introducing FitGrid

I don’t know about you, but for me, the pandemic has really changed my workout habits. It used to be that I’d head to the gym in the mornings before heading out on my morning commute. Well, those closed down for quite awhile, and I’m not quite ready to head back into one. Instead, I’ve taken up jogging. However, you may still be wanting to have the experience of instructor-led classes, and getting motivated in that way. If that’s the case, the recently-launched FitGrid might be worth checking out.

Now, we’ve all seen a variety of training apps, and even expensive pieces of hardware that intend to hook you into live classes. What if it could be less expensive, not require a crazy-expensive bike, and give you a wider variety of class selection from places like F45 and The Dailey Method, as well as independent studios? That’s what FitGrid is looking to offer you. So, why would you want to try this app? Here’s what their CEO has to say about it:

?Community has always been the holy grail of fitness. Now it is more important than ever before. Since COVID-19, studio-loyalty has increased by 25 percent according to our studio data,? says Nt Etuk, Founder & CEO of FitGrid. ?That?s a huge jump in loyalty that we attribute to their members? desire to be more deeply connected with their ?fit fam.? FitGrid is connecting everyone?the studios, the staff, the instructors and classmates?in one space. By bringing these sticky, authentic communities together digitally, we?ve created a virtual experience unlike anything in the marketplace today.?

Nt Etuk – Founder and CEO, FitGrid

Frankly, community is what a lot of folks would be missing from their gym experience. I’ve done classes, and appreciate what they can show me, but I’ve tended to just do solo workouts as they’ve worked better with my own schedule and time constraints. Something like FitGrid, particularly with many of us working from home, could get that boost going, particularly as the weather cools and we’re inside more and more. You can check the app out – for both Android and iOS – for free, and even check out a class for free.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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