How about some rich leather to wrap around your iPhone?

So, today you’re going to be hit with all sorts of news around the new stuff coming out of Cupertino. Along with the new devices (and course, the new phones with their sci-fi robots gone bad camera pods), you’ll have all sorts of new accessories. While I’m all for tech, there’s just something sublime about wrapping current tech in rich leather – and that’s what Saddleback Leather is offering up.

Now, I’ve never actually had a leather phone case. I do have a few items from Saddleback (a briefcase, a belt, and an “envelope” that I used for years for my Nook). In fact, it’s that case that I used for the Nook Color that made me realize how well tech and leather can work together.

If you’re thinking about picking up a new iPhone, check out what Saddleback is offering up. They have great quality in both the leather and the craftsmanship. I say this from my own experience with the items I’ve got, but also from what you can see in the video below of how the case is made.

Sure, at $79 this is not the inexpensive case that you pick up off of Amazon to just toss something around this crazy expensive pocket computer. Given how long I’ve been using my old 6s, however, this is a case that will definitely go for the life of your phone. For me, well, they’ve only got the tooling to make the cases for the iPhone X series and now the 11, so I’ll put a pin in this one to follow up with when I upgrade somewhere on down the line.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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