Cybercriminals are paying $1.2 million for hackers

person wearing scream mask and black dress shirt while facing computer table during daytime

Cybercrime is a booming business, and the folks behind ransomware syndicates and online scam operations are competing for the best talent.

Developers, administrators, and designers are in high demand, with some ads boasting annual salaries as high as $1.2 million. According to a report by Kaspersky, there were over 200,000 job postings on 155 dark web forums and employers were calling for attack specialists, reverse engineers, testers, analysts, administrators, and designers. The job postings were oddly mundane and included tradtional things like “referral bonuses and paid time off, and drug-free requirements.”

Job postings included test assignments such as encrypting files, evading anti-virus detection, and being professional and available online.

Amanda Reynolds

Amanda Reynolds is a passionate writer who recently graduated from journalism school, ready to make her mark in the world of technology and gaming. With a deep love for both fields, Amanda possesses a unique ability to blend her technical knowledge with her exceptional storytelling skills, captivating readers with engaging and informative content. Having grown up immersed in the world of video games, Amanda developed a profound understanding of the intricate mechanics and immersive narratives that make gaming a compelling art form. Her extensive experience playing a wide variety of genres enables her to provide insightful analysis and reviews, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each game while delving into the larger cultural impact they have on society. In addition to gaming, Amanda's fascination with technology led her to explore the ever-evolving landscape of digital innovations. She stays up to date with the latest gadgets, software advancements, and tech trends, allowing her to translate complex concepts into accessible articles that resonate with readers of all backgrounds. Amanda's enthusiasm for technology extends beyond the mere product reviews, as she explores the transformative potential of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and blockchain.

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