If you recall, back in November, we brought you word of the Eufy Video Doorbell, which we felt was vastly superior to the Ring offerings as it offered one crucial component – on-board storage for the video, meaning you own your data. One potential drawback in that product – for some renters and homeowners – was that it was a wired installation. Later this quarter we?ll see a wireless version of that doorbell hitting the market.
What this means is that you can install things, and then take it with you when your lease is up. Or, if you?re in an older home that has never had a doorbell installed, well, now you?re not having to run any low-voltage wiring. This is accomplished by a rechargeable cell on the doorbell itself that can offer up to 180 days of use before needing to be charged. How does this work? Well, via the magic of WiFi of course.

The doorbell unit communicates with the Eufy HomeBase 2 unit that is plugged in (and can even be hard-wired into your network), and that?s where the storage of the images and video captured by the doorbell unit are stored. It also contains a speaker so you can, you know, hear the doorbell getting ?rung?.
This looks like an interesting upgrade to the device and I think is one that will be much more appealing to future buyers – ease of installation certainly helps grease the skids. But, as always, that ownership of data is key here. In terms of how the Eufy wireless video doorbell works in the real world? We?re working on getting a review unit and, and can let you know how it works then. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for the $170 device to hit the virtual shelf later this quarter. eufylife.com