Catch some waves with the YuJet Surfer Electric Jetboard

Well, yesterday we talked to you about electric scooters – but what if you want your electrons delivered on the water? That’s where the YuJet Surfer Electric Jetboard comes into play.

I mean, sure, if you’re somewhere on the coast with actual waves, you could get some actual surfing in. But for those of us inland, then coming up with any sort of waves may be tricky. But you may well have a small lake or river nearby, so why not get your surf on without the need for waves?

In reading through the press on the YuJet Surfer Electric Jetboard, it sounds to me sort of like a jet-ski that you’re standing on. You’ve got an intake and an impeller, you get get cruising at speeds of up to 24 MPH, which is no small feat on the water.

That’s in part to the carbon fiber construction of the board, as well as the lithium battery and the wireless controller that you have in your hand to, well, control your speed (just don’t drop it, yeah?) After you’ve had your fun – for about 40 minutes or so – you can pop the waterproof lithium battery on out of the board and get it charged back up.

I’m no surfer, myself, but the YuJet Surfer Electric Jetboard does look like it’d be fun for us middle-state folks for sure. Pretty sure it’d wreck my kids little easy-set pool in the backyard, though. If you’ve got access to a larger body of water, $9,999 can put one of these under your feet.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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