Afternoon Beer Break: Stone Delicious IPA

In our last Afternoon Beer Break, we featured a gluten-reduced offering from Stone Brewing that was very much in the “sessionable” category with it’s lower ABV (and lower carbs and calories, to boot). If you’re interested in the gluten reduction, but want something with a bit more “oomph”, then perhaps the Stone Delicious IPA is the one for you.

And by “oomph”, that starts with the ABV. The Stone Delicious IPA comes in at 7.7%. The process that allows that to happen also brings some more flavor to the party. Pouring it out into the glass, you’ve got a deep amber hue with a thin, but noticeable, white head. One the nose, I immediately picked up pine and citrus – which, for me, is great. When I first got into IPAs, I ran across some very piney ones that were amazing. And now citrus is a nice, solid note to have in an IPA these days.

What I picked up on the noes with the Stone Delicious IPA carried forward into the flavor. You have a blast of pine up front – mixed in with bitterness from the hops – that then mellows out to a lighter citrus flavor. In other words, what most folks are thinking of when it comes to a basic, solid IPA. Sure, you’ve got all the various styles and permutations, and those are good. But if you’re looking to go back to the basics, well, the Stone Delicious IPA is what will take you there.

Just drink responsibly – that 7.7% will catch you up in a hurry if you’re not careful. A 6-pack should run you around $11.99 and a 12-pack (bottles or cans) at $17.99. Leastways, that’s the pricing here in Chicagoland. So, there you have it – the simply named Stone Delicious IPA is also aptly named, giving you a delicious pour that takes an IPA back to it’s simpler roots.

Product Details | Publix Super Markets

Details from Stone Brewing

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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