Under Ordshaw – the review!

(cue ominous music) Well, sure, that’s a bit dramatic, but figured why not a flair for the dramatic? Today, we’re proud to be taking part in the Storytellers On Tour for Under Ordshaw by Phil Williams. While this is to celebrate the release of the audio book earlier this month, it’ll serve as a review of the book/story itself. Now, let’s get down to it!

When it comes to finding new books, we are certainly spoiled for choice, as there are so many avenues for authors to get published. Short of a plethora of reviews, how do you decide? Well, how about a little story synopsis? That’s where I go, and here’s what we’ve got for Under Ordshaw:

Welcome to Ordshaw.
Don?t look down.

Pax is one rent cheque away from the unforgiving streets of Ordshaw. After her stash is stolen, her hunt for the thief unearths a book of nightmares and a string of killers, and she stands to lose much more than her home.

There?s something lurking under her city.

Knowing it?s there could get you killed.

This blend of urban fantasy and contemporary thriller takes you on a journey into the heart of Ordshaw, in the company of such richly imagined characters that you won?t want to leave.

Under Ordshaw is classified as urban fantasy, and it definitely has that nailed. It’s set in the suburbs / exurbs of London (at least, that’s where this American pictured it) and you’ve definitely got those fantasy elements. Not so much magic, per se, but there are plenty of creatures lurking underground, and one of the more interesting takes on faerie-kind that I’ve seen in a book.

Setting out in a new world can be tricky for an author, and Phil Williams goes for the approach that – when done right – can make for a fun roller coaster ride. By that, I mean you’re thrown right into the life of the characters, and as the chapters unfold, you learn more about the characters themselves, how they all interplay with one another, and what it is, precisely, that’s going on under the city. And for how long it’s been going on, and why the faeries are so angry!

Phil Williams

I don’t want to delve into it too much further, for fear of spoiling the plot for anyone else. For the reader, while the story does jump, it’s easy enough to follow along, and you can certainly keep hold of the trail as you learn more about the world and people inhabiting it. Also nice is the fact that the chapters are broken down into morsel-sized chunks. That means, it’s pretty easy to read a little bit (say, five or ten minutes) and have an pre-built stopping point built in for you. Of course, if you’re binging, you can certainly go that route as well.

Both the print and audiobook versions of Under Ordshaw are available now, and sets up a line of books that follow the same thread from Williams. I rather enjoyed the read, and you can see what others on the tour felt about it by checking the full schedule here. I thought it was a fun ride (I mean, ever thought about what COULD be lurking under your feet?) and will be looking to checking out some others in the series. For those looking for the audio book, there’s a 2.5 minute sample down below for you to try out, and see how your ears mesh with the narrator.

Details from the publisher

  • Title: Under Ordshaw?by Phil Williams
  • GENRE:?Urban Fantasy Thriller?Contemporary Fantasy, British Contemporary, and Horror sub-genres.
  • AGE GROUP:?Adult
  • RELEASE:?April 7, 2020 (Audiobook)

Here’s a quick sample of the audio book version for you!

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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