Vitamins are pretty basic. You eat a few every morning, buy new ones when you need them, and live your life. But this odd UK company offers some sort of 3D printed vitamin that promises to… be fresher? And work better for your stomach or something?
Called Nourished, the whole product is designed to make you feel bad about store-bought vitamins. The idea is simple: they squirt out layers of vitamin paste into a form and then ship them to you in “ecological” packaging. Because they can’t say that other vitamin manufacturers are killing your kids or anything, the whole project skirts around the edges when it comes to value and efficacy. I mean sure, getting a vitamin for your particular gut biome or whatever sounds great but in practice a vitamin is a vitamin.
I take a load of vitamins every day and that handful is a pain in the butt to collect and swallow. Thinking I could maybe make my own little nugget of vitamins — 1,000 mg of magnesium, 1,000 mg of calcium, a bunch of other stuff — I told the service all about my body. The results? I’m supposed to eat beets.

Why this is Dumb
All of these health services are hamstrung. A service like this can’t say it will actually help you in any way. Because of various FDA and other regulatory bodies, recommending vitamins or beetroot or whatever for improved health is almost impossible. Therefore you have to basically take flyer on these guys and hope that COQ10 will make you feel better.
So yeah, give me a single vitamin that contains 4,000 mg of various doctor-recommend crap or just tell me these are fruit snacks for adults. Otherwise, it’s pointless.
Anyway, if you want to waste $150 on this crap you can pay for three months of vitamins in individual “compostable” packets of vitamins that may or may not come out in your urine. Your call.