Storytellers on Tour: How LJ and Rom Saved Heavy Metal

I, for one, am all for digging into a meaty, hefty tome of, say, epic fantasy or wide-ranging space opera. At least, I was able to easily consume those back in the days where I commuted by train. Nowadays, while I still try to get into those doorstoppers, it takes a lot longer. So, that’s where things that I consider the “pulp paperback” stories come into play – and that’s where I classify How LJ and Rom Saved Heavy Metal by S.D. McKinley.

To clarify – I do not consider “pulp paperback” to be a pejorative term. In fact, it was a summer of wonder when I came across all of my dad’s Doc Savage and Man from Uncle (and many other) books in the basement – literal pulp fiction. I devoured those books, and kept going back for more. They are not high-brow literature, they are just fun entertainment.

That’s what we’ve got here with How LJ and Rom Saved Heavy Metal. You just need to understand you’re going in for fast food, not a fine dining meal – once you set that, you’ll enjoy your ride. The chapters themselves are fast-paced, and relatively short. So, if you’ve only got a few minutes to read, you can easily get to a preset stopping point, and pick it up when you next have a few minutes.

The book follows LJ and Rom as they tear off in their rally car to go save a friend in need. As the story progresses, there are some jumps in the plot, some of which that are filled in, and others you sort of have to surmise. That’s not to mention some of the surprise “twists” that come in (well, zombies shouldn’t be considered a twist since they’re on the cover), but there are some leaps that occur that sort of broadside you, I’ll say that much.

After you bomb through How LJ and Rom Saved Heavy Metal (just like Rom and LJ blasting through their race course), you want to know, well, do they save Heavy Metal (and their friend, Rom?) I don’t want to give it away, but I will say this – you sort of get to make your own mind up. At least, while we await the second book (presumably there will be one) to hit the shelves.

In the meantime, if this all sounds intriguing, well, there’s actually a contest going on right now for you to win your very own copy of one of five paperbacks (and it’s open to international readers!) Just check out the Rafflecopter widget below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

But you don’t have to take my word for it – you can see what the rest of the folks on the book tour had to say easily enough, as well as folks over on Goodreads.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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