Stay warm with GoveeLife Heaters

As we said in our article yesterday, we’re familiar with the smart lighting options that Govee is producing. Did you know that they also have space heaters that have (wait for it) some smarts built it? Well, they do!

The GoveeLife Smart Space Heater Lite ($49.99 on Amazon or Govee) is going to look familiar to anyone who’s taken a look at smaller heaters to warm up their space in the colder weather. It’s a fairly compact design, about 10″ tall, that is meant for heating a smaller space, and has all the built in safety features (such as tip protection) that we’d expect. One rather interesting thing is that it can be paired with a thermo-hygrometer that can be setup away from the heater, so you can better control the comfort in a room. Past that, you’ve got controls on the heater itself, plus voice and app control as well.

The other two heaters they have – the GoveeLife Smart Space Heater Pro ($139.99 on Amazon) and Space Heater Max ($149.99 on Amazon) bring some other interesting features to their designs. Yes, you’ve got goodies like controls via your phone, setting timers and so on. Really, where these two differentiate themselves are on the aesthetics. For the GoveeLife Smart Space Heater Pro, you’ve got a design that can either be stood up on it’s end, or laid flat. Basically, you can orient it how it works best for your space and needs. Additionally you’ve got an RGBIC lighting strip built into it, so you can get some additional ambiance going in your space.

If you’d rather feel vintage cozy, instead of space-age RGB, then the GoveeLife Smart Space Heater Max is where it’s at. At the base, you’ve got an enclosed section that looks like you’ve got a pile of glowing coals. In other words, it’s a compact version of those electric fireplaces you’ll see around. It’s a clever idea, and I like the idea of adding that visual warmth in along with the smart heating that a device like this can bring. This is definitely one you won’t want to hide away when guests are over.

While we’ve not tried a GoveeLife heater just yet, we are working on getting in a reviewer to let you know how they are. In the meantime, you can check out those product links up above and see what they’re all about. You can check out their full range of space heaters over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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