O&W asks for help making masks, please share

Hope is something you give yourself.

We never publish anything provided by a brand as-is, we comment on it, try and provide information. Today is a little different. O&W, a watch brand acted quickly and has set to making masks. Here’s the info and ways you can help.

From O&W

Last week we announced that we were mobilizing what limited resources we have in the fight against COVID-19.

The production of washable, filter cloth, protective masks has started,
and we are working hard to increase our production capacities. We have
received requests for a total of 4 700 masks from Belgium, France and
Italy, and have already delivered 760 pieces. So far the masks are
helping first aiders, rescuers, paramedics, nurses, nursing assistants,
home helpers, hospital staff, retirement home care providers, charity
and religious workers.

Our initial ambition was to produce and donate ten thousand washable
protective masks, but the urgent demand for this type of protection is
far greater than we first realized.

We would therefore like to help other organizations and individuals to
replicate our initiative. We can provide support with the manufacturing
process and help with sourcing the raw material.

OW is currently talking to volunteers in Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden,
Switzerland, the U.K. and the U.S.A. If you have access to textile
production facilities or sewing machines
and would also like to
contribute to the effort against the COVID-19 pandemic, contact us today
at ma[email protected].

https://ow-watch.ch/blogs/news/what-we-can-do-now [1]

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