Now funding: Supers & Sorcery

We truly seem to be in a bit of a golden age when it comes to TTRPG resources. There are quite a number of real-play podcasts out there to inspire (and entertain you), and there are all manner of books and modules coming out to help you run your own game and bring something new to the table. One of the latest of these is Supers & Sorcery.

What is Supers & Sorcery? It’s a brand-new campaign setting (ie, the world you play the game in) purpose-build for DnD 5th Edition. Yes, there are a number of other systems out there you could use, but there is no denying the juggernaut that is DnD. If you’re feeling a bit constrained by some of the fantasy tropes that the system forces you into, well, this can expand your horizons.

So, what is Supers & Sorcery? From the campaign page, they describe it as a “setting that features superheroes, sidekicks, supervillains, kaiju-like monsters, intrigue, and nonstop action. It’s all set against a sprawling metropolis in a medieval world.” In other words, take your favorite epic fantasy setting, throw in a good dose of super-powered metabeings, and all that’s waiting is players ready to step in and create a new story.

The great thing about Supers & Sorcery – aside from the new world and all that comes with it – is how little it takes to add this to your bookshelf. For just $10 you can back the project, and you’ll end up with a handy-dandy PDF to help build your new campaign (and you could always print and bind it later). Or, if you like, you can back an option that will allow you to get a professional printing and binding done at the $20 (plus the printing/binding costs). This is all going to be fulfilled via DriveThruRpg which is another tremendous resource for enhancing your games. You can check out the campaign details, as well as get your pledge in (I already did!) at the campaign page. It’s already fully funded, and runs through September 3rd, with delivery anticipated for December. campaign page

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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