It?s time for the ?Pimp My Ride? of phone cases with Casellio

If you?re not familiar with the show (disclaimer: I watched more than my fair share of ?Pimp My Ride?), you are likely familiar with the meme featuring the host of that show, Xzibit. If not, just do a quick search for ?Xzibit Yo Dawg meme? and you?ll be up to speed. Here, Casellio has done a similar sort of thing, except with a phone case, not a car.

Here, the reveal tagline would be something along the lines of ?Yo, we heard you liked playing video games on your phone, so we shoved a retro console into your phone case?. What a marvelous time to live in with miniaturized storage and circuits that this sort of things is possible. I mean, sure, you?ve seen phone cases that look like an 8-bit NES controller or something like that, but this takes the full-on Gameboy experience and puts it on the back of your phone.

Is the Casellio properly licensed for the 30+ games they packed into the device? I?m going to go ahead and guess that the answer is no, given there?s nary a Nintendo (or other game publisher logo) to be seen, rather unlike the Evercade we talked about a little bit ago. So, no doubt, they?ve gotten a sort of MAME experience packed into this small form factor, so you can play games on the back of your phone with a physical controller (me, I think I?d like the physical controller, but would rather use it with the larger real estate (and less legally grey) of my phone screen.

If you want to roll the dice on this case from Casellio, you can find it for around $25 for a variety of phones (they have all the variants listed there). I?ll admit to being briefly tempted to order one for my phone, but in the end, the retro nostalgia was not enough to overcome my reservations on the case. If you do order one, do let us know (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Video Game Phone Case) how your experience played out – inquiring minds want to know!

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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