New PSB M4U models: Introducing

So, you remember PSB, right? We told you about their headphones, and even reviewed a pair of their over-ear noise cancelling ones (you can see that here). Just recently they introduced two new additions to their M4U lineup – the PSB M4U 9 and the PSB M4U TWM.

To use, the PSB M4U 9 looks like a solid continuation of the M4U 8 series (which we reviewed). And frankly, that makes sense – when you’ve got a solid design, why mix things up too much? Our belief here is that most of the improvements are happening inside of the cans, so the exterior can continue on.

Then you’ve got the PSB M4U TWM, which are undoubtedly going to be a higher-fidelity reproduction than whatever inexpensive wireless earbuds you might have kicking around. You’ve got planar technology for the drivers, and actual, clicky buttons on each earbud to control what’s going on.

Of course, both make use of the Audiodo Personal Sound tech, which is in the associated PSB app on your phone. With it, you can tune the sound profile to what your ears – left and right are tested separately – can actually hear. It’s a very specific level of customization, and makes for great audio, whether you’re listening to music, podcasts, or even calls at work.

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While the PSB M4U 9 and the PSB M4U TWM are going to be shown at the Axpona Audio Expo they’re not available until June 2023. When they show up, you can get the PSB M4U 9 for $499 and the PSB M4U TWM for $199. If you want to be notified when they’re in-stock, you can do so directly at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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