Introducing: Mudita Bell and Harmony

Mudita seems to be getting into all sorts of minimalist hardware design. First came their phone (which we wrote about here), and then more recently their automatic wrist watch (covered here). Well, now they want to help you go to sleep and wake up with the Mudita Bell and Mudita Harmony.

The Mudita Bell is following the look of a classic analog alarm clock, with a three-hander design (one presumably indicating the wakeup time) and a large button on top for setting the clock. Powered by a 2600 mAh battery, the Bell has a warm-hue backlight (that can also work to gently wake you up) and a selection of 10 different alert tones. This is their simpler offering, and comes in at $49.

If you want something a bit more technologically complex, then the Mudita Harmony ($99) is where you want to look. This one gets rid of the classic analog looks, and instead has an e-ink display for the face of the clock. This also means it’s not a traditional clock movement inside; it instead relies on the MuditaOS to get things rolling. Along with waking you up, it can chime to remind you to go to bed, help with your meditation timing, and even help you get in a quick power nap.

Both of these alarm clocks are in the final stages of their development, and should be getting onto the production line in November, with shipments expected for December – so just in time to wake you up out of those dark winter nights. To get your own order in, just head on over to the page for the Mudita Bell or the Mudita Harmony. Or, you know, just head over to

Tech Specs from Mudita

  • Mudita Bell
    • Analog alarm clock with 10 wakeup melodies
    • Includes a warm (2300 K) backlight that also works as a gentle wakeup function
    • 2600 mAh battery
    • $49
  • Mudita Harmony
    • e-ink display, powered by MuditaOS
    • Includes a warm (2300 K) backlight that also works as a gentle wakeup function
    • 2600 mAh battery
    • Bedtime reminder- Sleep experts agree that in order to improve our sleep quality, we should maintain a consistent sleep schedule, centered around regular sleep and wake-up times. That’s why Mudita Harmony includes a bedtime reminder function to prompt us when it’s time to start our bedtime routine.
    • 3-step wake-up system to help us wake up in a more natural and gradual way:
      • Pre-wake up tone and gentle light to awaken our subconscious mind.
      • Main alarm with gradual increase of the alarm volume.
      • Snooze chime – additional feature added to the snooze function which
        will ring with a soft sound every minute, in order to prevent you from
        falling into a deep sleep again, thus minimizing the negative aspect of
        hitting the snooze button.
    • Meditation timer – simple, yet useful feature for meditation enthusiasts. You
      can select the length of the desired meditation session, number of intervals
      which will then start and end with a deep gong sound.
    • Power nap timer to be used during the day to recharge.
    • Dedicated audio library for relaxation and helping us fall asleep.
    • $99

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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