Introducing: Bookman Visibility

Now that we’re dealing with more darkness in our days (either early in the morning or in the evening), keeping yourself visible is a key aspect of safety when you’re heading out for a walk or exercise. Neon colors and reflective stuff gets you to a point, but having some lighting can really up things. To that end, there’s a new brand hitting the US with some interesting gear. Meet Bookman Visibility.

What you might think of first for visibility is a headlamp, and they do have one of those – the Monocle. While it looks like a simple construction and UI, it can be locked (so no accidental turning on in your backpack) and switch through various beam patterns and intensities.

If you’re heading out on your bike, good lights in the front and rear can be a big help. To that end, they’ve got two different options – the Curve and the Block. What we find particularly interesting about these lights is how they attach to your bike. The Block relies on an elastic band that loops around the frame, while the Curve relies on a more robust clip attachment. Either way, easy on, easy off, which will help with charging them up. Both will get the job done, though we feel the Curve would give a wider spill of light to help with visibility.

On the other hand, if you want to go out for a walk or a job, they’ve got wearable options as well. For something to clip on to your waistband, that would be the Eclipse. If you want something to clip to a bag or zipper pull, then you’ll want the Lightstick. These won’t give a ton of light for you to see by, but they’re more to make you visible to cars and others around you as you go about.

These are all available in a variety of colors, and pricing for the lineup is as follows:

  • Monocle: $55
  • Curve: $79 for the set or $45 for an individual light
  • Block: $25 for a single front or rear light
  • Eclipse: $30
  • Lightstick: $25

For more information or to order your own, head on over to

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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