In Review: Naked Whey

Today, we’re getting into a whole new type of review. We’re reviewed gear that’s good for your workout, but how do you refuel after you’ve hit your activity? A popular way to boost your protein intake is with whey protein powder. Naked Nutrition recently sent over their Naked Whey, and we’ve been trying it out.

Why is it called Naked Whey? Well, it’s got nothing else in there. Just whey powder, no additives, no sugars, no flavors. That might sound boring, but it means that it’s versatile in that you can add it to just about anything you want, and it shouldn’t change the flavor. While smoothies are the obvious choice, we’ve done it up in our oatmeal, as well as just mixed up with water (you could use milk as well) to get that boost of protein.

So, how is it that you can review a protein powder? It’s not like I can quantify it’s effect on my health and fitness. So, we need to focus on something else. With high protein products, you can sometimes get a weird aftertaste, or a grainy feel in whatever it’s mixed in. I did not encounter that at all. Cooked into my steelcut oatmeal, I didn’t even notice it was there. Mixed up in a glass of water (blended with a whisk), it completely dissolved and blended just fine, and it didn’t feel like you were drinking sandy water. Flavor-wise, in the water it made for a sort of watered-down milk flavor.

That makes sense, as Naked Whey is derived from, well, milk. This milk comes from cows in Northern California that are out in grass pastures for a majority of the year, so you have the benefits that come from that feed. Also helps that you don’t have stuff traveling all around the world to get this protein powder to you. In short, there’s a lot of good things going on here, and even using the recommended two scoops, the 5lb container will last you a good long time (they estimate it’s 76 servings, so 2.5 months used once a day). Want to get some? It will run you $94.99 direct from Naked Nutrition, you just have to decide if you want it plain, or one of their flavored versions. Oh, and while we’ve not tested them out, they have all manner of other supplements on offer as well.

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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