In Review: Confetti Snacks

Here in the States, we just came through Thanksgiving, which has it’s own subculture of over indulging on all sorts of foods, and for many, the remainder of the year has many more opportunities to over eat or consume types of things that we normally might avoid. If you’re looking for a healthier snacking option to mix in, you might want to consider what Confetti Snacks has in their pantry.

No doubt, you’ve run across veggie chips (or veggie straws). While they’re ostensibly healthier than a regular potato chip, they’re still just mixing in dried vegetable powder into a mostly potato base, and giving you that salty flavor chips are known for. On the other hand, the Confetti veggie chips are dried slices (and sometimes chunks, with the okra and mushrooms) of actual vegetables, so you can tell what you’re eating.

To up the flavors, then, you’ve got different spices and the like applied to these, just as you would on your favorite chips. And sure, flavors like teriyaki BBQ feel familiar from chip land, but what about flavors like truffle or curry? Those are definitely more adventurous than your standard chip would be, and wake up those tastebuds with spices you don’t normally encounter.

While my kids would no doubt prefer the standard veggie chips and veggie straws, I rather liked what Confetti has here. Both in terms of the flavors, but also in just the textures and crunch you get from the various veggies. And you know, even if you manage to go through a whole bag while you’re watching a show, it’s still well under 300 calories. And hey, they’re vegetables!

They run for $5 per single pack, $120 for a 24-pack, or $225 for 75 mini-packs for veggies; the mushrooms run $6 / $144. Or if the mix we have here looks like a good place to start, that particular combo runs $33. Order up your own flavorful veggie snacks directly over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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