Gear4 can protect your Nintendo Switch

When we talk about cases and device protection, we most commonly think about our phones, and to some extent our tablets. Perhaps it’s just because there’s no mobile gaming devices in our home (other than the aforementioned phones and tablets), but I’ve never thought about a case for them. But now that I know they exist, it makes sense that you’d want protection for your Nintendo Switch. Good thing, then, that Gear4 has options for you with the Gear4 Kita Grip 360.

So, first things first – they’ve got cases for both the Switch and the Switch Lite (and presumably, once that new version drops later this year, they’ll cover that one as well). So, depending on which device you have, you’re looking at either the Gear4 Kita Grip 360 or 360 Lite. Regardless of the one you choose, it’s designed specifically for the device, and it’s actually a two-part system.

The first part of the Gear4 Kita Grip 360 is the case itself. The Switch (or Switch Lite) will snap cleanly into the case, which is made of the same D30 material that their phone cases have. This means you’ve got drop protection (up to 10 feet) as well as some anti-microbial protection. The drop is the big one, of course, and no doubt helped by the textured and enlarged bits on the side, which also seem like they’d help you keep a grip on the whole device and case combo.

Along with that case, there’s also a screen protector that comes with the Gear4 Kita Grip 360. Now, it’s not tempered glass like we’ve come to expect from Zagg brands, but instead, it’s made of a polymer that has a glass-like feel (the materials guys must’ve had fun with that one in the lab) that not only keeps scratches of your screen, it’s also smudge resistant, keeping your view clear.

Whether you’ve got the Switch or the Switch Lite, the Gear4 Kita Grip 360 case for it will only run you $39.99 and also includes the screen protector. I don’t have a Switch here in the house to even conjecture how this case would feel in hand, but based on their phone protection, it should get the job done with a minimum of fuss. It’s also helpful that the case material is translucent, so whatever colors you’ve chosen for your joycons will show through. Check it out over at

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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