Of course, in the fall, there are a number of different hunting seasons underway. And fishing, well, I suppose that just depends on what the regulations are in your neck of the woods, but let’s make sure that whatever it is you’re bagging, you’re doing it with the right tags and permits, yeah? If you’re set, then FORLOH has a number of options to help you stay warm – even if you just want some camo to lounge around in.

Deep Space Base Layers | MSRP: $109+
When it comes to heading outside in cooler temps, layers are the key to staying warm without getting drenched in sweat. For those inner layers, you’ve got the FORLOH Deep Space Collection. Along with keeping you warm, it’s got some technology to help keep scents from forming, which should help you out hiding from whatever it is you’re tracking.

AllClima Softshell Beanie | MSRP: $50
For cold weather, a key piece of gear is going to be something on your head, as you can lose a lot of body heat through your noggin – even if you’re not follicly challenged like myself. Much like the base layers above, this beanie has some scent control built in, so it’s not just keeping you warm and dry. It’s Made in America with FORLOH’s first-to-market Airadigm™ Pulse Plasma windproof fabric technology, and recycled polyester treated with Polartec® Odor Resistant for advanced scent control.

Deep Space Neck Gaiter | MSRP: $35
After the base layers and a hat, a gaiter is a solid way from keeping those icy breezes from dropping down your neck. For that, there’s the FORLOH Deep Space™ Neck Gaiter is designed for comfort, warmth, and versatility with our high-tech Deep Space fabric. Even though it’s thinner, it’s made of a material that’s capturing your body heat and radiating it back to you, while also allowing moisture to head out.

Merino Wool Boot Socks | MSRP: $32
Finally, we’ve got wool socks. For me, wool socks are just about an all-year-round thing, and they’re critical if you’re going to be outside for a long day. Wool is naturally anti-microbial (read: no stinky feat) and even keep you warm if you managed to get them wet. These wool boot socks are made from are made from fine Micron Rambouillet Merino Wool that is 100% sourced in the USA.
Those are just a few of the options they have available – you can check out their full range over at forloh.com