During the CoronaVirus shutdown, Ergatta wants to help you stay healthy

I’m guessing that most of us, at this point, have been long-missing from the gym. For some of us, that’s a conscious choice. For others, like myself, it’s a decision that was made for us (albeit a good one in the midst of this pandemic). If you’ve got some extra coin to spend, and want to get your row on in the comfort of your home, the Ergatta Rower is calling your name.

Now me, I’ve just taken to jogging on the trails (gotta get ready for the Bob Ross 5k this spring, dontchano) in the mornings before anyone else is really out there, so social distances are easily maintained. And I’ve seen rowers at the gym, I’ve just never tried one out to know if it’s for me.

However, if you do know that rowing is your jam, but just want something to help challenge you a bit more than some dinky LCD display, well, the Ergatta Rower is using technology to put a bit more of a game to it. While I’ve never used a Peloton myself, it feels like it’s going that direction a bit, giving you programming to help you tune the workouts to your own skills and abilities, and what you need challenging in.

Now that I type that out, it’s really not that different than the high-end treadmills I’ve run on. Unlike a treadmill, however, the Ergatta Rower really does look like it could fit in – or hide away – in your home. You’ve got what looks to be some lovely finished wood for the rowing track, and to cradle the water basin that provides the rowing resistance.

With something that looks as nice as this rower does – and harnesses technology to up your workouts – you know this is going to be a bit more expensive than a pair of trail running shoes. And, yeah, you’d be right. Here, the Ergatta Rower comes in at $1,999 plus another $29/month for access to the workout platform, which gives you new workouts and features. At the moment, they’re also offering free shipping and installation, and a free 2-month subscription. And should you have the coin for this, know that your purchase will be helping throw $100 to Meals-on-Wheels for COVID-19. ergatta.com

Patrick Kansa

A big data developer and leader with a penchant for gadgets, books, watches and beverages. You can find my work on WristWatchReview, Knapsack.News, and Slushpile. If you're on Twitter and/or Instagram, you'll find me there as @PatrickWatches.

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