When it comes to outdoor activities in the summer, there are two products that are all but indispensible in our house – sunscreen and bug spray. Despite the bug spray, it seems our kids are still just magnets for mosquitos, and can end up quite itchy. We’ve tried a few different bug bit treatment devices that work by heating up the bite (and breaking down the proteins that cause the itching) with some pretty good success. So, we were pretty intrigued when we heard about the very compact Heat-it.

What is it?
The Heat-it basically takes the heating element out of a larger bug bite zapper (the name we’ve given these types of products in our home), builds it onto a USB-C (for Android) or Lightning (for Apple) connector, and sends you on your way. Paired with the app on your phone, you’re ready to address those itchy bug bites as soon as they happen.

What we like about it
For one, it’s great just how small the Heat-it actually is. Without the need for a casing that allows batteries to be installed or enable you to hold it, it’s something that can easily be slipped into the glove box, put on a key chain, or even just have hanging from the car mirror on a lanyard. Which means you’ve always got it with you.
We also really like the adjustments you can make within the associated app. You’ve got three different levels of heat intensity, switch it between adult and child modes, and even another switch to set things for sensitive skin. It’s a great deal of customization that allows you to tune it in to what each person in your family prefers.

How does it work?
We found the Heat-it to work just as well as the stand-alone bug bite zappers that we’ve got in the house. Which was handy, because at the start of outdoor season, we actually couldn’t find them, so this was our only option for a bit. It worked like a champ, and got the itching under control.

Things to consider
Unlike the stand-alone versions, the Heat-it does require you have your phone available, and the app installed. So, it’s not something you’re just going to hand to your kid and not worry about how soon it’ll be until you get it back. If you’ve got multiple phones, each one will need the app, and you’ll have to ensure you’re matching to the connector on your phone.

Would we recommend it?
If you want a bug bite treatment you can always have with you, and never want to worry about if it has enough battery (so long as your phone is charged), then yes, the $39.90 Heat-it is worth it. If you’ve already got a few of the stand-alone ones in your home and you’re happy with how they work (and don’t mind carrying them with you) then it might be a less-compelling option. For us, we like the flexibility of always having it available. It looks like they’re out of stock at Amazon at the moment, but we do see them at Walmart.

- JUST HEAT IT – The insect bite solution you’ve been itching for! Treat itch and pain of bites and stings caused by mosquitoes, bees, wasps, bugs and horseflies with your smartphone.
- CHEMICAL-FREE – The natural treatment works just with concentrated heat (124 °F) and is medically proven. You can treat bug bites reliably and effectively within moments.
- FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY – You can individually adjust the treatment to your skin sensitivity. Our free app offers 12 modes, including sensitive skin and kids (from 4 years, self-use 12+).
- ALWAYS WITH YOU – Your ideal companion for everyday use, travel and sports. Thanks to its compact design, you always have it on your keychain. Enjoy the itch relief wherever you go.
- MADE IN GERMANY – Our medical device doesn’t need batteries. That’s how you profit from an innovative product without follow-up costs. One application requires at most 0.1% of your smartphone battery.